Shree Ganesh Group


Ganesh Remedies has emerged as a leading manufacturer and exporter of CyclopropaneCarboxamide to serve customers in a better way. Our unit is designed to facilitate bulk production of CyclopropaneCarboxamide according to the requirements of our […]

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We at Ganesh Remedies produce best quality Methyl Cyclopropane Carboxylate (2868-37-3). Our professionals use quality compounds to formulate Methyl Cyclopropane Carboxylate as per the pharmaceutical standards. STRUCTURE : SPECIFICATION […]

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Many businesses are now exploring the possibility of relying on an outside manufacturing plant for drugs. Commonly referred to as outsourcing your manufacture process, this offers you a host of perks. When contemplating a strategic move like this, you need to know precisely how you can stand to […]

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The rising cost of production and pressing need to turn profits has prompted lots of concerns to contemplate outsourcing their need for bulk drugs. Quite an astute strategy, this is an excellent way to go. However, it would be wise to get acquainted with some of the essential traits of your ideal […]

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The flourishing pharmaceutical industry is forever looking for ways to optimize production of drugs and maximize quality products. This often takes conglomerates out to discover the efficacy of new players in the industry, which includes exploring outsourcing certain operations. Engaging a bulk […]

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India is becoming an increasingly attractive destination for outsourcing services by global pharmaceutical companies. According to 11th annual report on Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Capacity and Production, India is ranked fourth in the world as a potential outsourcing destination. Here, we […]

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The advent of drug production outsourcing has led a lot of concerns to wonder whether the outsourcing is indeed justified. At a time when quality drug manufacturing has become the need of the hour industries are looking for cheaper ways to make high grade pills and ointments. One lucrative yet […]

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About Ganesh Group

Ganesh group was established in the year of the 1991 on date of 6/01/91. The Group has grown in technical expertise and managerial competence to cater to the needs of Indian and International Markets.  more..

  • Welcome to Ganesh Group

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